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作文《My favourite holiday》春节-作业

My favourite holiday is Spring Festival. Why? Because I have lots of fun at Spring Festival. It is a po...


你选五句吧. Spring Festival is the most important festival in China, and it is also my most favorite festival....


The Spring Festival is my most favorite festival, because it’s time for family gathering. And the Sp...


Spring Festival is the most important festival in China, and it is also my most favorite festival. 春节是中国...

My favourite festival英语作文-作业帮

The Spring Festival is my favorite festival. It is on the first day of January on the Chinese lunar calendar...

my favorite time of year 70词英语作文带-作业帮



My favorite festival is Spring Festival. On this day, I can receive some New Year Money from my grandparents...

英语作文my favorite festival不少于40个单词,至少三种句型不...

Dragon Boat Festival is the holiday I like the most. On that day, people eat rice dumplings, participate in dragon boat races, and decorate their homes with bright-colored ornaments...


My favorite holiday is Spring Festival. It is the traditional festival of China. We can play with firewo...

以my favourite holiday为题写一篇英语短文-作业帮

My favorite holiday is Children\'s Day. It is a special day dedicated to all the children. We...

作文《My favourite holiday》春节-作业帮

Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is my favorite holiday. It is the most important and widely celebrated festival in China. During this time, families come together to celebrate and exchange blessings for the upcoming year. The festival is filled with joy, laughter, and a sense of togetherness.

One of the main reasons I love Spring Festival is the delicious food. Everywhere you go, there are various traditional dishes to enjoy, such as dumplings, fish, and niangao (sticky rice cake). These dishes are not only tasty but also have special meanings, symbolizing prosperity and good luck for the new year.

Moreover, Spring Festival provides an opportunity for children and adults alike to take a break from work and school. It is a time to relax, have fun, and indulge in leisure activities. Many families travel during this holiday to explore new places and create lasting memories.

Another aspect I adore about Spring Festival is the vibrant atmosphere and decorations. Streets and houses are adorned with red lanterns, couplets, and paper cuttings that bring good fortune and happiness. Fireworks light up the sky, adding a touch of excitement to the celebrations.

In addition, the traditional customs and activities during Spring Festival are fascinating. The lion and dragon dances, as well as the performances of traditional Chinese opera, are captivating to watch. Red envelopes, known as \"hongbao,\" are given to children and unmarried individuals as a symbol of good luck and blessings.

All in all, Spring Festival is a time of joy, unity, and cultural richness. It allows us to uphold traditions, strengthen family bonds, and embrace the new year with hope and positivity. It is truly a festival that brings people together and fills our hearts with happiness and excitement.


Spring Festival, known as Chinese New Year, holds a special place in my heart as my favorite holiday. It is an integral part of Chinese culture and is celebrated with great enthusiasm all over the country. The festival marks the beginning of the lunar calendar and is a time of reunion and happiness for families.

One of the reasons I love Spring Festival is the festive atmosphere that surrounds it. Streets are decorated with vibrant red lanterns, cherry blossom trees, and colorful posters. The sound of firecrackers fills the air, symbolizing the banishment of evil spirits and the arrival of good luck.

Another aspect I enjoy about Spring Festival is the traditional customs and rituals. Families gather to prepare a lavish feast, with dishes such as dumplings, fish, and longevity noodles that signify prosperity and longevity. Red envelopes filled with money, known as \"hongbao,\" are given as blessings and good wishes.

Moreover, Spring Festival is a time for cultural performances and entertainment. Lion dances, dragon dances, and traditional folk songs and dances are performed to bring joy and luck. The famous Lantern Festival, which marks the end of the festival, showcases beautiful lantern displays and lantern riddle games.

The significance of Spring Festival extends beyond just the celebrations. It is a time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the coming year. It is a time to express gratitude to our elders and show warmth and kindness to others. It is a time to strengthen family bonds and create cherished memories.

In conclusion, Spring Festival is not only a festival of joy and merriment but also a time to honor traditions, embrace cultural heritage, and foster unity among families. It is a festival that truly embodies the spirit of love, gratitude, and hope for a prosperous year ahead.


The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is my most favorite festival. It holds a special place in my heart because it is a time of family gathering and joyous celebrations. During Spring Festival, families come together to welcome the new year and wish for good luck and happiness.

One of the things I love most about Spring Festival is the delicious food. Traditional dishes like dumplings, tangyuan (glutinous rice balls), and niangao (sticky rice cake) are prepared and enjoyed by all. These special delicacies symbolize wealth, good fortune, and the reunion of loved ones.

Furthermore, Spring Festival provides an opportunity for me to travel and explore new places. Many families take advantage of the holiday to visit relatives or go on exciting trips. It is a time to create lasting memories and experience different customs and traditions.

The festive atmosphere during Spring Festival is another reason why I enjoy it so much. Streets are filled with vibrant decorations, such as red lanterns and colorful paper cuttings. Fireworks light up the sky, creating a spectacular display of lights and sounds that add to the excitement of the festival.

Moreover, Spring Festival is a time for giving and receiving blessings. Red envelopes filled with money are given to children and younger relatives as a symbol of luck and prosperity for the coming year. It is always exciting to receive these \"hongbao\" and use the money to buy special treats or save for the future.

In conclusion, Spring Festival is a time of celebration, family, and cultural traditions. It brings people closer together and fills our hearts with joy and happiness. The delicious food, vibrant decorations, and meaningful customs all contribute to making Spring Festival my most beloved holiday.


Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is not only the most important festival in China but also my favorite festival. It is a time when families gather together, share meals, and exchange gifts to celebrate the coming of the new year.

One of the reasons I love Spring Festival is the festive atmosphere. Streets and houses are decorated with colorful lanterns, red couplets, and paper cuttings. The sound of firecrackers fills the air, chasing away evil spirits and bringing good fortune.

Moreover, Spring Festival is a time for delicious food. Dumplings, fish, and rice cakes are some of the traditional dishes that are enjoyed during this festival. These dishes not only taste delicious but also carry symbolic meanings of prosperity and abundance.

Another aspect I enjoy about Spring Festival is the traditional customs and activities. Lion and dragon dances, as well as fireworks displays, are commonly seen during this time. Red envelopes filled with money are given to children and unmarried individuals as a token of good luck and blessings.

In addition, Spring Festival offers a break from work and school, allowing families to spend quality time together. It is a time for storytelling, playing games, and enjoying entertainment such as traditional Chinese opera performances.

All in all, Spring Festival is a time of joy, reunion, and rich cultural heritage. It brings people closer together and allows us to appreciate and celebrate our traditions. The festive atmosphere, delicious food, and meaningful customs make Spring Festival my most beloved holiday.

My favourite festival英语作文-作业帮

My favorite festival is the Spring Festival, which is celebrated on the first day of January according to the Chinese lunar calendar. It is a time of great excitement and joy for me and my family.

During Spring Festival, families come together for a reunion dinner. We prepare a feast of traditional dishes, including dumplings, fish, and niangao. This meal symbolizes unity and good fortune for the new year. I always look forward to the delicious food and the warm atmosphere it creates.

Another reason I love the Spring Festival is the tradition of giving and receiving red envelopes filled with money. It is customary for married adults to give these red envelopes, called \"hongbao,\" to children and unmarried individuals as a gesture of good luck and blessings. The anticipation of receiving these red envelopes adds to the excitement of the festival.

Moreover, I enjoy the vibrant decorations and festivities during Spring Festival. Streets are adorned with colorful lanterns, and firecrackers can be heard throughout the day. The atmosphere is filled with happiness and optimism for the upcoming year.

In conclusion, the Spring Festival is a time of family, delicious food, and cultural traditions. It brings people together and fills our hearts with joy and hope. I cherish this festival and the memories it creates year after year.

my favorite time of year 70词英语作文带_作业帮

I also love the Spring Festival, especially when I was a child. During this festival, not only can I enjoy a variety of delicious food but also have a long holiday to relax and have fun. I can wear beautiful clothes and, most importantly, receive red envelopes from my relatives. As a child, I always looked forward to this festival and the joy it brings.

Spring Festival is a time for family reunion and celebration. It is a time to gather with loved ones, participate in traditional customs, and express good wishes for the new year. The festive atmosphere, bright decorations, and joyful activities make Spring Festival my favorite time of the year.


My favorite festival is Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year. It is a time filled with joy, excitement, and blessings. One of the reasons I love Spring Festival is because I can receive New Year Money from my grandparents and relatives. It\'s always thrilling to receive these red envelopes and to use the money to buy something special or save for the future.

Moreover, Spring Festival is a time for family gatherings. We have a big reunion dinner and spend quality time together. It is a time to strengthen family bonds and create lasting memories. I love the feeling of warmth and togetherness during this festival.

Additionally, I enjoy the festive atmosphere and decorations during Spring Festival. Streets are filled with colorful lanterns, and fireworks light up the night sky. It creates a vibrant and joyful ambiance that adds to the excitement of the festival.

In conclusion, Spring Festival is a time of celebration, family, and cultural traditions. It brings people together and fills our hearts with happiness and blessings. It is truly my favorite festival of the year.

英语作文my favorite festival不少于40个单词,至少三种句型不...

Dragon Boat Festival is the holiday I like the most. On that day, people eat rice dumplings, participate in dragon boat races, and decorate their homes with colorful ornaments. It is a time to remember the great poet Qu Yuan and to celebrate his heroic spirit. I enjoy witnessing the intense dragon boat races and tasting the delicious rice dumplings. Dragon Boat Festival is a unique and exciting holiday that I look forward to every year.


My favorite holiday is Spring Festival, which is the traditional festival of China. We can play with fireworks, enjoy festive meals with our family and friends, and exchange greetings and blessings for the new year. The festival is a time of happiness and togetherness. It is a time to celebrate our traditions and heritage. Spring Festival brings people together and fills our hearts with joy and hope for the coming year.

以my favourite holiday为题写一篇英语短文-作业帮

My favorite holiday is Children\'s Day. It is a special day dedicated to all the children. We have a day off from